dropbox_Nextcloud:开源Dropbox,Google Drive替代
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Open Source Week

It’s Open Source Week at SitePoint! All week we’re publishing articles focused on everything Open Source, Free Software and Community, so keep checking the for the latest updates.

这是SitePoint的开源周! 我们整周都在发布有关开源,免费软件和社区的文章,因此请继续检查以获取最新更新。

Open-source cloud storage

File storage services like , and are very popular these days. They automatically sync your files to the cloud and across your various devices, making your data highly accessible and ensuring that it’s not easily lost.

如今, , 和等文件存储服务非常受欢迎。 它们会自动将您的文件同步到云以及跨各种设备的同步状态,从而使您的数据具有高度可访问性,并确保不易丢失数据。

They offer a certain amount of free storage, but if you’re looking to store most or all of your files online, you’ll need to pay for them. Their fees are not particularly high, but still, it would be nice to have a free alternative.

它们提供一定量的免费存储空间,但是如果您希望在线存储大多数或所有文件,则需要付费。 他们的费用不是特别高,但是仍然可以选择免费的替代方案。

Fortunately, there are alternatives. One of them is , an open-source alternative to Dropbox and the others that you install and maintain on your own server.

幸运的是,还有其他选择。 其中之一是 ,它是Dropbox的开源替代品,其他则是您在自己的服务器上安装和维护的

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons to consider using Nextcloud.


大玩家怎么了? (What’s Wrong with the Big Players?)

It’s reasonable to ask why we should bother setting up something on our own server when services like Dropbox and Drive are so easy to use. They’re basically plug-and-play, and are supported and maintained by large companies that have a stake in providing a secure and reliable service.

有一个合理的问题,当Dropbox和Drive这样的服务易于使用时,为什么我们还要在自己的服务器上设置一些东西。 它们基本上是即插即用的,并由提供安全可靠服务的利益相关的大公司提供支持和维护。

They do have downsides, though. Of course, there are the fees, which are fixed, not tailored to everyone’s needs, and could change at any time.

他们确实有缺点。 当然,有些费用是固定的,并非针对每个人的需求量身定制,并且可能随时更改。

By using them, you’re also entrusting your data to companies that . They can mess with your data at any time, if they so choose, as highlighted in Apple’s :

通过使用它们,您还将您的数据委托给了 。 如苹果的所强调的那样,他们可以随时将您的数据弄乱:

Apple reserves the right at all times to determine whether Content is appropriate … and may pre-screen, move, refuse, modify and/or remove Content at any time, without prior notice and in its sole discretion …


They could, of course, just shut down. (That doesn’t happen often, but it does happen.) They can also get bought out. Remember Sunrise calendar?

他们当然可以关闭。 (这种情况通常不会发生,但确实会发生。)他们也可能被收购。 还记得日出日历吗?

收回控制权 (Taking Back Control)

Nextcloud is a cloud software alternative that gives you full control over your data. It’s designed for both individuals and organizations with many users. It’s a relatively young project, being a fork of the similar project, which is also worth checking out and comparing.

Nextcloud是一种云软件替代产品,可让您完全控制数据。 它是为具有许多用户的个人和组织而设计的。 这是一个相对较年轻的项目,是类似项目的分支,也值得一试和比较。

Nextcloud Preview Image

Having control of your own data is pretty attractive, but how does Nextcloud stack up against the commercial players in other ways, such as features and security? Let’s take a look.

控制自己的数据非常吸引人,但是Nextcloud如何以其他方式(例如功能和安全性)与商业参与者竞争呢? 让我们来看看。

安全和自定义两因素身份验证(2FA) (Security & custom two-factor authentication (2FA))

On the security side, Nextcloud provides to explain security best practices. Unsafe or controversial functions are strictly refused, and mandatory code is reviewed by two more reviewers to make sure that everything is bulletproof (or as much as it can get).

在安全方面,Nextcloud提供了说明安全最佳做法的 。 严格拒绝不安全或有争议的功能,另外两名审阅者对强制性代码进行审阅,以确保所有内容都是防弹的(或尽可能多的)。

Furthermore, the Nextcloud authentication system is two factored. Active sessions can be invalidated through the list, by removing the user in the admin settings or by changing passwords. Admins can enable or disable two-factor authentication for users on the command line.

此外,Nextcloud身份验证系统有两个因素。 通过在管理员设置中删除用户或更改密码,可以通过列表使活动会话无效。 管理员可以在命令行上为用户启用或禁用两因素身份验证。

While other proprietary services like Dropbox offer 2FA as well, Nextcloud allows you to “force” enable or disable 2FA for specific members of the organization. With a little bit of tweaking, you can also create your own 2FA provider, to avoid being locked in with a specific 2FA app. Huge advantage for those concerned with security here.

虽然其他专有服务(如Dropbox)也提供2FA,但Nextcloud允许您“强制”为组织的特定成员启用或禁用2FA。 稍作调整,您也可以创建自己的2FA提供程序,以避免被特定的2FA应用锁定。 对于那些关心安全的人来说,这是一个巨大的优势。

加密 (Encryption)

Nextcloud also offers server-side encryption, which is not enabled out of the box (to offer a better user experience for newcomers). Nextcloud servers encrypt remote data, but your local storage operates without encryption by default. It’s important to be aware that the encryption does increase the file size by 35%, which isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker if you’re concerned about security.

Nextcloud还提供了服务器端加密功能,该功能并未立即启用(为新用户提供更好的用户体验)。 Nextcloud服务器对远程数据进行加密,但是默认情况下,您的本地存储无需加密即可运行。 请务必注意,加密确实会将文件大小增加了35%,如果您担心安全性,那么这不一定会破坏交易。

Note: Once enabled, server-side encryption cannot be disabled within the admin dashboard. So be sure to back up user encryption keys regularly. If a key is lost, that data cannot be accessed anymore.

注意: 启用后,将无法在管理控制台中禁用服务器端加密。 因此,请确保定期备份用户加密密钥。 如果密钥丢失,则无法再访问该数据。

联盟共享 (Federation Sharing)

Another feature Nextcloud offers is , which mounts file shares from remote Nextcloud servers (or other servers which support it, such as ownCloud-powered servers) to create your own cluster of clouds. Imagine this as Folders in Dropbox or Google Drive you are invited to collaborate and have access to. However, in this case it’s using an open protocol, which is compatible with many other providers (such as ownCloud). Mounted Shares will give you direct access to the Folder you are invited to, so your server space won’t be used up for your own copy of files.

Nextcloud的另一个功能是 ,它可以从远程Nextcloud服务器(或支持它的其他服务器,例如ownCloud支持的服务器)挂载文件 ,以创建自己的云集群。 想象一下,邀请您进行协作并可以访问的Dropbox或Google Drive中的文件夹。 但是,在这种情况下,它使用的是开放协议,该协议与许多其他提供程序(例如ownCloud)兼容。 挂载共享将使您可以直接访问被邀请到的文件夹,因此您的服务器空间将不会用完您自己的文件副本。

Sharing Permissions

This allows for decentralized file sharing, no matter where the data is stored, with flexible admin privileges to set individual user permissions. You can use a Federated Cloud ID to share files with fellow Nextclouders based on your username (for example: username@example.com/nextcloud).

无论数据存储在何处,都可以实现分散式文件共享,并具有灵活的管理员权限来设置单个用户权限。 您可以使用联合云ID根据您的用户名(例如: username@example.com/nextcloud )与其他Nextclouders共享文件。

服务器信息应用 (Server Information App)

Server Information

With the server information app you can also check the performance of your Nextcloud Server. This can come in handy for troubleshooting or making improvements on your server. The app is part of the Nextcloud installation, so you don’t need to install anything manually to use it. It lets you track:

使用服务器信息应用程序,您还可以检查Nextcloud服务器的性能。 这可以帮助您进行故障排除或对服务器进行改进。 该应用程序是Nextcloud安装的一部分,因此您无需手动安装任何东西即可使用它。 它可以让您跟踪:

  • CPU load and memory usage

  • number of active users over time

  • number of shares in various categories

  • storage statistics

  • server settings like PHP version, database type and size, memory limits and more.


在自己的服务器上安装Nextcloud (Installing Nextcloud on your own server)

It’s surprisingly easy to install a Nextcloud instance on your own server, regardless if it’s a shared host or if you have root access to it. We won’t go too deep into the process here, but if you’re not comfortable with the command line, there are also user-friendly drag-and-drop options. (This makes sense, as a solid open-source alternative preferably won’t scare the average user away.)

无论您是共享主机还是具有根访问权限,在自己的服务器上安装Nextcloud实例都非常容易。 我们不会在这里深入介绍该过程,但是如果您对命令行不满意,还可以使用用户友好的拖放选项。 (这是有道理的,因为可靠的开源替代方案最好不要吓到普通用户。)

Check out the brief to install your very own personal cloud instance. It shouldn’t take your more than a few minutes as the process is pretty straightforward.

查看简短的以安装您自己的个人云实例。 该过程非常简单,因此无需花费您几分钟的时间。

After that, you might want to install a , which will be able to access your Nextcloud instance. There’s one available for every platform, and you can even use any other WebDAV client (such as ownCloud) to access your Nextcloud instance.

之后,您可能想安装 ,这样便可以访问Nextcloud实例。 每个平台都有一个可用的,您甚至可以使用任何其他WebDAV客户端(例如ownCloud)来访问您的Nextcloud实例。

Nextcloud gives users a wide range of opportunities to customize it based on their needs. Nextcloud Apps work like browser extensions, except that some of them enable core functionalities (such as Mail, Calendar, Contacts, etc.). You can try as well.

Nextcloud为用户提供了广泛的机会,可根据需要对其进行自定义。 Nextcloud Apps的工作方式类似于浏览器扩展,但其中一些功能支持核心功能(例如邮件,日历,联系人等)。 您也可以尝试 。

Nextcloud盒子 (Nextcloud Box)

Nextcloud Box

To cater to users who want more control over their data, without going through the hassle of system administration, Nextcloud partnered with and to come up with the , a private cloud and IoT solution for home users. The box is made of a WDLabs’s 1 TB USB3 hard drive powered by a Raspberry Pi 2. Snappy Ubuntu Core is the default operating system installed on the microSD card. On the server side, it runs with the Apache web server, MySQL, and the latest Nextcloud version.

为了迎合想要对其数据进行更多控制而又无需经历系统管理麻烦的用户,Nextcloud与和合作,推出了 ,这是一种面向家庭用户的私有云和IoT解决方案 。 该包装盒是由Raspberry Pi 2驱动的WDLabs的1 TB USB3硬盘驱动器制成的。Snappy Ubuntu Core是microSD卡上安装的默认操作系统。 在服务器端,它与Apache Web服务器,MySQL和最新的Nextcloud版本一起运行。

The box serves as a small local server for your home network. By default, the Nextcloud Box only works on the network it’s connected to (like your home LAN). It requires configuration of encryption (https) and router ports to reach it from outside your home network.

该盒子用作家庭网络的小型本地服务器。 默认情况下,Nextcloud Box仅在与其连接的网络上工作(例如您的家庭局域网)。 它需要配置加密(https)和路由器端口,才能从家庭网络外部访问它。

Some use cases the Nextcloud box could fit right into would be a shared local network within a family, where everyone has access from every device. It seems to be also a solid jumpstart for small startups or teams to use within their physical space to share files with each other. A big plus point here is that one would actually know where their data is in physical space, rather in some big data center of Amazon in the desert. However, the box is not an all-round solution, but rather a reference device to show off Nextcloud’s capabilities.

Nextcloud框可能适合的一些用例是家庭中的共享本地网络,每个人都可以从每个设备进行访问。 对于小型初创公司或团队来说,在物理空间中彼此共享文件似乎也是一个可靠的起点。 这里最重要的一点是,人们实际上会知道他们的数据在物理空间中的位置,而不是在沙漠中亚马逊的某个大数据中心中的位置。 但是,该盒子并不是一个全方位的解决方案,而是一个展示Nextcloud功能的参考设备。

The Nextcloud box sets you back $80 (Raspberry Pi 2 not included) and can be

Nextcloud盒子的价格为80美元(不包括Raspberry Pi 2),可以

即将推出的Nextcloud功能 (Upcoming Nextcloud features)

is scheduled for release in December 2016 with various new features, setting it further apart from its predecessor, ownCloud. Among them:

计划于2016年12月发布,具有各种新功能,使其与前身ownCloud进一步脱颖而出。 其中:

  • user Social Media Buttons

  • user mentions in comments

  • share by email

  • move file/folder

  • share current folder

  • shared previews


You can track all the features the Nextcloud team is working on by watching the .


开源是否提供下一代云解决方案? (Does Open Source Offer the Next Cloud Solution?)

Switching to an open-source file sharing option may or may not be the right choice for you or your business. It’s important to weigh up the pros and cons of the open-source and commercial options and work out what’s in your best interests overall. Suffice it to say that open-source file sharing tools are a viable and attractive option for many individuals and businesses.

切换到开源文件共享选项对于您或您的企业可能是正确的选择,也可能不是正确的选择。 重要的是要权衡开放源代码和商业选项的利弊,并确定总体上最符合您的利益的内容。 可以说开源文件共享工具对于许多个人和企业都是可行且有吸引力的选择。

Nextcloud has been able to improve upon what ownCloud has to offer in a number of respects. The own/Nextcloud comparison happens quite often still, but as Nextcloud rolls out more of its own features, it will take its place as an established standalone project. Hopefully the features being rolled out will continue not only to be cutting-edge but also user-friendly and intuitive.

Nextcloud已在多个方面改进了ownCloud所提供的功能。 自己/ Nextcloud的比较仍然经常发生,但是随着Nextcloud推出更多自己的功能,它将取代已有的独立项目。 希望所推出的功能将不仅继续保持最先进,而且还易于使用且直观。

Given that these open-source options are free to use and experiment with, there’s no danger in giving them a try. So what do you think? Does this sound like an attractive option, and would you consider making the switch? Or have you taken the plunge already? If you have, please tell us what you’ve found in the comments.

鉴于这些开放源代码选项可免费使用和试用,因此不妨尝试一下。 所以你怎么看? 这听起来像是一个有吸引力的选择,您是否会考虑进行切换? 还是您已经尝试过? 如果有,请告诉我们您在评论中找到了什么。




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